ClearWater, Peter / 14.06.1989

14.06.89 – Clearwater and Peter I give you greetings my children. Once again I must speak of the joy in my heart that the council comes together. I have heard the words of my brother and they give my joy and he and I come together as one, one heart. I ask you not to be in awe of me for I come from the Grandfathers to walk amongst you, not as a teacher, as a friend, as a companion. Such as I do not come to live you lives for you. We come when you call, when you call from your hearts, you call in a whisper and the whisper is brought to us upon the wind and we stand before you. Know this my children, deep within you, you have great knowledge of many lifetimes and now you walk the lands again to seek wisdom to use the knowledge. The tribes come together, the people walk the lands. But come when the council sits, no–one sits above another. Each plays their part, the wheel turns my children. Each makes their contribution. As my brother has said do not think that what you have to contribute is insignificant for without you there is no completion. As the stars shine in the night sky, in their appointed place, in all their glory in all their beauty,
ClearWater, Questions & Answers / 07.02.1989

07.02.89 I give you greetings my children.  Once again my heart soars like the eagle that the council comes to sit.  Hear me.  The times of the tribes is at hand and when the council sits none sit above the other.  You  live in the hoop my children.  Each one must play their part.  Do not stand in awe of me.  I do not come to you as a teacher, I come to you as a friend, as a companion.  We have been upon a journey you and I that has taken us to many places.  Many experiences.  And we come together to share them.  To share from the heart for each one of you has chosen to walk the land again.  You have chosen to play your part.  For this is a time of great confusion, of anger.  For man turns upon his brother in frustration.  He is lost.  And so the silent companions of spirit come to walk close with you.  My children, the logicality of man's mind has placed a barrier between us.
ClearWater, Questions & Answers / 02.02.1989

’02.02.89 – East Kew I give you greetings my children.  My heart soars like the eagle that such as you have come to sit in council.  You are welcome.  Understand this.  It is not by chance that you come to this place.  Each one has chosen this time.  For you see my children we cannot impose ourselves upon you.  We may only come to you when you call to us and you call from the heart.  You call in a whisper and it is brought to us, we who walk in silence with you, upon the wind.    I do not come to you as a teacher, I come to you as a friend to give hope, to give direction.  When you gaze upon you, you gaze upon a mirror.  For we are part of each other, part of the total, part of the universe.  When the council sits, no–one sits above the other.  All are equal. Each one must play their part so do not be in awe of me.  Are there those amongst you that would speak with me, come share words of the heart with me.